The 100 Climbs X-List is HERE.
OUT NOW and EXCLUSIVE to the 100 Climbs App comes the 100 CLIMBS X-LIST.
Another 100 amazing British climbs for your delectation, packed full of stone cold classics just begging to be ridden. I spent last year doing the research and the list is a treasure trove of delights with some roads that are quite simply beyond imagination and others that are waiting to hurt your legs in ways you could never dream possible.

These are the roads I’d missed or never had the time to reach before, the climbs that had flown under my radar and the climbs YOU have been begging me to ride over the years. Covering the whole island from Sutherland in the north of Scotland to Folkestone in the south of Kent this is no list of castoffs that never made the cut, trust me, every climb is a KILLER. They aren’t particularly famous like the hills in my earlier books, a lot of these are very well hidden, invisible to the passer by having and have only been ridden by a few locals or intrepid explorers.

Featuring roads at the end of the world like the savage ascent from the Mull of Kintyre lighthouse or epic quests to isolated transmission masts like the climb up to the top of Whinfell. Roads of unparalleled beauty such as the one that crosses the hill of Maovally in the far north of Scotland to the glorious hairpin bends of the Portland Zig Zags.

On top of that there are two complete killers, the two climbs that have recently shook up the world of British hill climbing. Afon Ddu in the Conway valley and Bamford Clough in Derbyshire. Both with maximum gradients over 35%, both all but impossible to ride and both drawing cyclists to their vicious slopes like moths to a flame.

For the first time the list won’t be released in book format, (not in the immediate future anyway) they are just for the App so you can instantly locate each one and see if there is anything waiting for you on your doorstep. Oh and yes I did worry about piling yet more climbs on your already full plates but it’s what I love to do. I just love to find them, ride them and then tell you all where they are, it’s my mission in life and I will (like a terminator) never, ever give up!
Click the link, download or update your App then go smash them.
